Friday, August 11, 2006

painful feet and bad presentation

my presentation yesterday was bad..already I have to bare with the high heels I am wearing plus the formal wear,my presentation makes it even group members that I was practically reading to the whole class besides having some eye contact with the audience which is a must in order to get some extra marks..besides that,we also have this Q&A session which is also a must to get extra points whereby the full mark is only 2..fortunately we got 2 marks but I still think it was unfair to uur group..we answered every single question including the ones from the tutorand the other group which basically did not even answered our tutor's question properly,in fact I would they did not even answer and they got like !.5 ou of u tell me,is that fair?futhermore by the end of the class he said that he likes to be fair to his students..wat crap are those?however,we just put it aside and would no longer like to mention it long as we know that we have done our best,it's good enuough..gtg now,got to continue designing t-shirts' for the upcoming camp in October..1 last piece and I shall sleep..haha


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