Wednesday, September 13, 2006


argh!!!!!!!!!!!design paper was a total mess..I messed up that stewpid finish the paper in 2 hrs is seriously impossible..I only managed to finish 5 objective questions out of 10 in sect A meanwhile I only managed to finish 3 quetions out of 5 in sect B..the poster I drew was shitty,not interesting at all,contains no graphic/any sort of illutrations but only text..time not enough!!invitation card was plain,also no graphics/any sort of illustrations..time not enough!!!the only one I'm proud of is my least better than the rest..I did not finish the envelope,business card n letterhead for the company..time not enough!!!!darn shitty la..dunno whether what I did was enough to at least let me pass the subject..AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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